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56 New Graduates in Dakar

56 New Graduates in Dakar

I am delighted to share that since our last update 56 (out of 60) at risk young people successfully graduated from their 6-month vocational training at the Lycée Limamou Laye in Dakar. In collaboration with the Safeguarding Centre of Pikine/Guédiwaye and the 3FPT (Senegalese Government Fund for Vocational Training) we were able to provide these young people with training in welding, solar energy and car diagnostics.

During my last project visit, I had the opportunity to conduct 45 individual interviews to hear first hand from our beneficiaries what they thought of the training and what they envisaged for their future. These one-to-one’s help us evaluate the impact of the training, but most importantly, they remind us how unique each young person is. This is why individual follow up, including family visits, are an essential part of our work. 

“Family visits help us gain a better understanding of the young people’s degree of vulnerability through the parents’ socio-economic situation. During a recent visit for example, a mother told me she shares a 4m bedroom with her husband and her seven children…Those visits also allow us to gather further information regarding the young person’s history and personality. This helps us support them better and on a case by case basis! Of course it is nice to hear parents praise Aspyre Africa’s support and guidance for their children, and remind us how much our work matters to them.”  Lamine Tall – Aspyre Africa Dakar Project Officer

Together with the Lycée Limamou Laye training centre, we are currently in the process of securing the appropriate internship or job for each one of our new graduates. 

Work experience in Saint-Louis

Meanwhile in Saint-Louis, our graduates in solar energy and car mechanics continued their internships with different employers, gaining invaluable work experience. During my stay in Saint-Louis, I visited the different workplaces and gathered testimonies both from our beneficiaries and their “internship supervisors”: 

“The work conditions are excellent here. I really enjoy the work I do. I have learned so much here, acquired a lot of knowledge and skills since I came here after my training. I am starting to master my trade, and know for sure now that I would like to be a car mechanic!” (Oumar, trainee)

“I really appreciate this initiative! Especially the choice of training in renewable energies, because these are the professions in process of development! These young people will have a very good chance of finding employment. I think the theory they received during their training was good, and choosing solar energy was excellent. Here they get a chance to really put into practice what they learned. Most projects in Senegal train young people but don’t do any follow up. This is different with Aspyre Africa! I really hope you will continue to support these beneficiaries until they have their own business. These young people really like this profession. All they need to succeed is continuity.“ (Mr Faye, electrician/ internship supervisor)